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Frequently Asked Questions About Fetal Death Data

Where can I find information on fetal death by zip code?
Due to confidentiality rules fetal deaths cannot be seen by zip code. Please contact the Division of Biostatistics and Health GIS for further information.

How do I interpret the tables when the rates are by gestational age or weight?
These rates can be interpreted as:Out of 1000 live births and fetal deaths in a certain gestational age, X number of them were fetal deaths specific for the selected gestational age. This same interpretation can apply to weight of the fetus.

Why do I get a N/A sometimes for the rate?
This is due to missing denominators in the rate calculation. This will always occur for the unknown category, marital status, and ethnicity when live birth is the indicator chosen.
Other times this will occur when there were no denominator (live births) for the selection chosen, the frequency of the characteristic chosen will always be zero in this case and the rate can be seen as zero.

Why do I get N/A sometimes for the 95% confidence intervals?
Users will see an N/A for the 95% confidence intervals when the rate is either N/A or equals zero.

Why can't I generate a map that maps for county and zip code fetal death data?
Since this information is not requested very often the mapping utility was not added. If maps of fetal deaths are wanted please contact the Division of Biostatistics and Health GIS.

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