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South Carolina Community Profile Module

Welcome to the South Carolina Community Profile Module. The purpose of this interactive module is to present statistics of health and well-being indicators in a user-friendly format, combining tables, graphs and maps in a way that allows the user to select different geographic areas, demographic characteristics and preferred output format. Included in the profiles are indicators from a wide spectrum of health characteristics or outcomes such as infant and mother's heath, morbidity, mortality and risk factors, etc.

This module is developed by Division of Biostatistics in co-operation with Division of Informatics of Public Health Statistics and Information Services of DHEC. It pools the public health statistics from various sources such as Vital Records and Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) to a central location and presents the summarized statistics seamlessly. The Community Profile Module is designed to inform service providers, planners, policy makers and the general public about health issues at a local and state level. The objectives of this module are to:

  • Provide a comprehensive yet detailed summary of health and health determinants in geographic regions (Counties/DHEC Regions) across South Carolina
  • Make local health information accessible to a wide audience in a timely and interactive manner
  • Draw attention to health inequalities and highlight both geographical and temporal trend

This module provides various statistics such as crude rate, age-adjusted rate, 95% confidence interval, ranking and comparison to the state average as well as information about Health People 2010 objectives (HP2010) and Leading Health Indicators. Trend-lines, bar charts and interactive maps can be generated as graphical presentations of the user requested statistics to provide other methods to visually analyze the information.

A few "shortcuts" links are presented below to allow the users to generate four different pre-defined queries that look at typical public health questions and demonstrate the various different SCAN output options. The results are presented at the DHEC Region level. (Note: Links below generate complex statistics and will take longer to generate than a standard SCAN query.)

Newborn characteristics Including birth, birth weight, preterm birth, infant death information for year 2000-2006
Maternal health Including mother's education, smoking status during pregnancy, marital status, prenatal care information 2000-2006
Cancer mortality Including breast, colorectal, lung, prostate and total cancer mortality information 2000-2006
Leading Health Indicators All the available Leading Health Indicator objectives in the module 2006

In order to make customized output based on different selections, user will need to use the main input page. User can click the "Table/Map" tab at the top of the table or follow this link: Table/Map input page

An example page (Example tab) is provided with step-by-step examples to help users get familiar with this module. A definition page (Definitions tab) is provided to explain in detail all the technical and statistical terms used in this module. The link page (link tab) provides the links for other web sites relevant to the topics addressed in the Community Profile Module. The SCAN Community Profile Module will be constantly updated based on users feedback.
Users can leave feedback at this link or click the "Contact Us" link at the bottom.

If users need more detailed statistics regarding a specific subject, first check the other corresponding SCAN modules and if a more detailed analysis is required feel free to contact the Division of Biostatistics.

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