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Example 3

Examine the Leading Health Indicator for the region 3 in year 2004.

Go to the table/map input page by clicking on the "Table/Map" tab.

Step One:
Select DHEC Regions or counties of interest as the column variable in the output table. Users can check "Regions" or "Counties" radio buttons to switch between the two geographic units. In this example, the statistics of the available Leading Health Indicator for the region(s) of interest are to be examined thus users need to highlight region 3 and state total in the "Area" window and click the right arrow to move them to the "Selected Areas" window.

Step Two:
In this step, users can choose the row variable based on what they need in the output table,

  • Indicator: Multiple indicators can be displayed in the same output table, with each indicator taking one row.
  • Year: Statistics for multiple years (not combined) are displayed with each year taking one row. Only one indicator can be selected.
  • Sex: Statistics for "All", "Male" and "Female" are displayed in each row of the output table. Only one indicator can be selected.
  • Race: Statistics for "All", "White", "Black" and "Other" races are displayed in each row of the output table. Only one indicator can be selected.
  • Ethnicity: Statistics for "All", "Hispanic" and "Non-Hispanic" are displayed in each row of the output table. Only one indicator can be selected.

In this example, multiple indicators are to be shown in the same output table thus users need to select "Indicator" as the row variable, which is the default selection for this step.

Step Three:
In this step, users can select single or multiple year(s) of data.
The "All Years" checkbox is a convenient way to check or uncheck all available years.
If "Year" is not chosen as the row variable in Step Two, the statistics for the combined years will be shown in the output table.
Users need to select consecutive years in this step to have a trend-line in the output page. In this step, users can select indicator(s), of which the statistics will be shown in the output table.
The "Health categories" (default) lists all the available indicators in this module whereas the "Leading Health Indicators" only lists all the Healthy People 2010 objectives included in the LHI. Users can switch between the two grouping mechanisms by clicking on the corresponding radio buttons.
If "Indicator" is not chosen as the row variable in Step Two, only one indicator can be selected in this step.
In this example, all available HP 2010 objectives in the Leading Health Indicators are to be included. This can be done quickly by clicking the Leading Health indicators grouping radio button. Users can then hold down the left mouse button and highlight all the available indicators and add them to the "Selected Indicators" window by clicking the "down arrow" button in the middle. Group names are not selectable so their highlights are removed automatically.

Step Four:
In this step, users can select single or multiple year(s) of data.
The "All Years" checkbox is a convenient way to check or uncheck all available years.
If "Year" is not chosen as the row variable in Step Two, the statistics for the combined years will be shown in the output table.
Users need to select consecutive years in this step to have a trend-line in the output page. In this example, statistics of the selected indicators for year 2004 are to be shown.

Step Five:
In this step, users can select one or a combination of demographic levels, the results will be limited to the level(s) users selected.
Because there are only two levels for sex and ethnicity, these two are single selection only whereas users can do multiple selections with age and race.
In this example, "All" (default) is selected for age, sex, race and ethnicity.

Step Six:
If users only need the actual count of the event, "Frequencies" could be selected in this step. Doing this will disable all the options in Step Seven.
Users need to select crude rate or age-adjusted rate for more output options. As a general guideline, for most indicators related to natality information such as birth characteristics and mothers' health only crude rates are available. For most mortality rates, both crude and age-adjusted rates are available. Users will be able to learn whether an age-adjusted rate can be applied from the dynamic notes in the output table.
In this example, comparison between different areas and comparison to the HP 2010 targets are to be shown thus users need to select one of the rates as the output preference. Some Leading Health Indicators don't have age-adjusted rate and some have. For demonstration purpose, "Age-adjusted Rate: 2000 population" is selected in this example. From the dynamic note in the output table, users will be able to know which indicators don't have age-adjusted rate and they need to come back to the input page and check crude rate in this step to show the statistics for those indicators.

Step Seven:
This step has optional statistics outputs to provide users with more information or help users to do comparisons, either temporal or geographic. Options in this step not only affect the output table, trend-line and bar chart but the mapping service as well.

  • Frequencies: Provide frequencies when users select "rate" in Step Six.
  • Ranking/Ranking Quartile: Ranks across all the geographic areas are calculated and listed for the user selected areas. If DHEC regions are selected in Step One, the results are the rank of the 8 regions. If counties are selected, the results are ranks put into quartiles. For more information about ranking, please refer to the definition page.
  • Healthy People 2010 target: HP 2010 target information (if available) will be added to the output table, trend-line, bar chart, and the mapping service if checked.
  • Comparison to the SC state average: Statistics that indicate how the rate for the selected DHEC Region(s)/counties compared to the South Carolina state average, taking the variability of the rates into account.
  • 95% Confidence Interval: Calculate the 95% CI of the rate for the selected areas.

In this example, the ranking of the selected regions compare to the others, the HP 2010 target information if available, and Comparison to the SC state average information are selected.

Now it is the time to "Generate Table". If a user is more interested in the mapping service itself, he can click "Generate Map". By doing so, there will be no output table, trend-lines or bar charts generated but user can still get the statistics he requested from the map page.

Output table:

Here the output table is for the region 3 and SC total by each of the available Leading Health Indicators in this module. It shows all the statistics requested. A few things could be noted here,

  • The information for denominator and multiplier for calculating the rate is in the dynamic footnote table. Ex. Information of Influenza vaccination within the past year for Region 3 is 70.1. From the footnote table, users can look at the row for the same indicator and will understand the correct age-adjusted percent of people with Influenza vaccination within the past year for Region 3 in year 2004 is 70.1 per 100 population. From the same row in the footnote table, users will also understand that the results only apply to people of age 65+. Same goes with the HP 2010 target: HP2010 target for the same indicator is 90 per 100 population.
  • The footnote table also show the year, age, sex, race and ethnicity information, which may or may not be the same as user's input page selections depending on the data availability for certain demographic levels. Please refer to the dynamic footnote table in the definition page for details.
  • Clicking on the link for the indicator name will open up a new window showing the detail for that indicator such as HP2010 section number, data availability and source, etc.
  • Some of the dynamic notes are invoked in the output table, "CR" and "NSD" in this case. Users can look at the descriptions of the dynamic note displayed below the output table and click the link for more detailed information. "CR" is shown when that particular indicator doesn't have an age-adjust rate, as mentioned in the previous step, so users need to go back to the input page and select crude rate in Step Six.
  • For more information regarding rank, please refer to ranking and ranking quartile in the definitions page for explanation.

Mapping service: A map with all the same selections from the input page can be generated from the output table directly by clicking on the map link under the indicator name. Other than the common mapping services such as "Zoom In", "Zoom Out", "Pan" and "Full Extent", there are some unique features in the mapping services in the Community Profile module.

  • Users can switch between each level of the row variable and a new map will be generated. In this example, users can select different Leading Health Indicators. If the data is not available for that level of row variable, the map will be all white.

  • Users can switch between three maps with different output format:

    • A statistics map, which render the rate with different grey level
    • Comparison to SC state average map that compares the rate for each area to that of the state, taking the variability into account.

    • Comparison to HP 2010 target map that compares the rate for each area to the HP 2010 target, taking the variability into account.

  • The same dynamic footnote table is shown for the selected level of the row variable. In this example, it shows different indicators with the correct demographic levels.
  • Requested statistics can be shown for individual area by using the "Geographic Areas" pull-down menu and is not restricted to the area selected in the input page.

The easiest way to save the map itself would be right-clicking on the map and "Save Picture As...". If users need all the information on the page, they could use the Window Print Screen function and use a picture editing software for cropping or modification.


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