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SCAN Population Tables

How is population data used?

What is the source for these population numbers?

What is the Login Page?

How is population data used?

Population data is used in the calculations of rates. Most often, population data is used in the denominator for rate calculations. For examples of rate formulas, please visit SCAN's Animated Formulas page.

What is the source for these population numbers?

The population data is obtained from South Carolina Budget and Control Board's Office of Research Statistics prior to 2004 and from National Center for Health Statistics since 2004.

What is the Login page?
This page enables those who have the password to access the data without the confidentiality rules applied. If access to this site is needed please visit Division of Biostatistics for the contact information.

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Page Maintained by SCAN Project Team
Last updated by the Division of Biostatistics and Health GISPHSIS, of SCDHEC. DISCLAIMER