SC Survey and Certification

Welcome to the South Carolina Survey and Certification Public CMS-2567 Form Interface System. Use this tool to view all initial, recertification and complaint surveys for all Medicare and Medicaid certified nursing facilities in South Carolina within the last 3 years, by facility name, survey type, city, county, date, and CMS certification number (CCN), as permitted under the Centers of Medicare and Medicaid regulations. This app is accessible via current versions of desktop and mobile browsers and contains Health, Life Safety Code and Complaint surveys and facility Plans of Correction from the last three federal fiscal years (Oct 1 thru Sept 30).

Information provided in the application is intended to be used for general reference. State licensing inspection reports are not included on this application. The mission of the survey and certification (S&C) program is "to assure basic levels of quality and safety for all patients, residents, and clients receiving care from Medicare and Medicaid certified providers."

SC DPH provides no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of furnished data. This database includes all Medicare and Medicaid certified skilled nursing facilities within the state of South Carolina.

Advanced Search

Use the Advanced search if you want to see more than the last two surveys or have more complicated search requirements. Search criteria includes facility name, survey type, CCN, county, and date range. You can also search with only part of a name, address or city. Click the PDF  icon in the table to view the complete survey.

Map Search

Use the Map Search to see the last surveys of all Medicare and Medicaid certified nursing facilities in South Carolina. With permission, this app can zoom to your current location and display nearby facilites. Click on the nursing home icons to view the official name, address, and information from the last surveys. Click on PDF  to view the complete survey.