Please fill out this form to request a free radon test kit.

Test kits can only be supplied for homes located in South Carolina. You must be 18 years or older to request a test kit.

Please note: The South Carolina Radon Program does not provide radon test kits for real estate transactions. You can find information on radon testing for real estate transactions at Contact the Radon Program directly for additional guidance if needed.

The homeowner must request the kit. Requests cannot be made by friends or family members. Only one kit per household will be sent. Additional test kits can be purchased from the National Radon Program ( , 1-800-767-7236 ). If you have any questions regarding this form, radon or the Radon Program, please contact us by phone (800) 768-0362 or email us at

NOTE: Requests can generally be processed within two weeks, but in periods of high demand it may take longer.

Please read both sides of the instruction sheet enclosed with each test kit and follow all instructions carefully. Test on the lowest floor lived in on a regular basis.

If your intial result is at or above the EPA action level of 4.0 piocuries per liter (pCi/L), a follow-up test to confirm the result should be the next step. For the initial results at or above 4.0 pCi/L, the Radon Program offers a free follow-up test kit.

If your initial result is at or above the EPA action level of 4.0 picocuries per liter (pCi/L), a follow-up test to confirm the result should be the next step. For initial results at or above 4.0 pCi/L, the Radon Program offers a free follow-up test kit.

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