Environmental Application Tracker contains information on the
status of environmental applications received, approved, approved with
conditions, withdrawn, cancelled, or denied by the Department of
Environmental Services (DES) within the last two years. This includes permits, certifications, and licenses related to the Bureau of Air Quality, the Bureau of Water, the Bureau of Land and Waste Management, and the Division of Ocean and Costal Resource Management.
This website offers 5 different filters that can be used for searching for a permit. First is the option to see only applications that have been received in the last 2 years (Received Only), applications that have been completed (meaning they have been approved, approved with conditions, withdrawn, cancelled, or denied) within the last 2 years (Completed Only), or both (All). If an application has been both received and approved in the last two years, it will show up regardless of which of these options you select.
Second is the option to filter based on county. Here you can pick zero or more counties from the drop down list to see only applications in those counties. Not choosing any county will search all counties. You can also type in part of a counties name to find it quicker. This filter is not case sensitive.
Third is the option to filter based on the applicant name. Here you can pick zero or more applicants from the drop down list to see only applications from those applicants. Not choosing any applicants will search all applicants. Due to the number of applicants, you’ll need to type in a small portion of the applicant’s name before you will see all applicants matching what you typed in. As you scroll down the list, it will continue to load all matching applicants. This filter is not case sensitive.
Fourth is the option to filter based on the project name. Here you can pick zero or more projects from the drop down list to see only applications with the selected project names. Not choosing any projects will search all projects. Due to the number of projects, you’ll need to type in a small portion of the project’s name before you will see all projects with names match what you typed in. As you scroll down the list, it will continue to load all matching project names. This filter is not case sensitive.
Fifth is the option to filter based on permit type. Here you can pick zero or more permit types from the drop down list to see only applications with those permit types. Not choosing any permit types will search all permit types. You can also type in part of the permit type’s name to find it quicker. This filter is not case sensitive.
For the second, third, fourth, and fifth options, there is the ability to specify your own search terms. After you have typed in the characters you want, press enter or select the top option from the drop down list to create your own search term. This term may use the percent character (‘%’) as a wild card which will match zero or more characters. Thus, if you enter ‘a%z’ for the applicant name, you will return all applications where the applicants name began with ‘a’ and ended with ‘z’. If you enter ‘aa%’ for the project name, you will search for all projects that begin with ‘aa’. Please note that vertical bars ('|'), also called broken bars or pipes, are not a valid search term and may cause the text before and after to be treated as two search terms instead of a single combined one.